The framework includes the following files:
Stack Framework contains a core module that needs to be installed at all times as it includes compatibility adjustments between framework modules. Framework files are located under below folder structure, and you can have either the Essential version or the Professional version, but not both versions at the same time:
The framework comes with modular architecture, and includes below extensions that are compatible all together as well as individually. Based on your project requirements you can choose to disable some of the extensions and only use what is required in your current project. With the out-of-the-box modules compatibility Stack Framework is saving you time that you can dedicate building your store instead of debugging compatibility issues. Extension Files are located under below folder structure, you can choose the extensions you need, and deactivate the ones you don't need - this way you code will be light, fast and more conflict free.
Before installing Stack Framework on a Magento Store please check the compatibility. Stack Framework is currently compatible with the following Magento Open Source, Commerce & Commerce Cloud, B2B versions:
It is highly recommended to install the framework first on a testing server before you install it on a live (production) server.
Note: Make sure to enable Magento Developer Mode before installation - this guide can help: How to set Magento 2 Developer and Production Mode
Stack Framework for Magento 2 and all included extensions are compatible with Magento Commerce Cloud Edition or other read-only environmnets. More details under Magento Commerce Cloud Installation chapter.
Stack Framework for Magento 2 is compatible with most used modern browsers since Jan 1st, 2015 until today. We constantly check browsers compatibility with each release. Older browser versions, or other browsers not mentioned might also be compatible with the included extension.
Compatible Browswers:
Note 1: It is highly recommended check for extensions installed on your store that offer the same functionality as the ones included in the framework. Extensions included in the framework are designed and tested to work well together, if you have to choose between the same extension from weltpixel or a different vendor, for best performance and compatibility we recommend to go with the Stack Framework bundle.
Note 2: It is recommended to disable other 3rd party extensions before installing the Stack Framework and enable the ones that you still need after the installation, one by one. This way in case of any compatibility issue, you can easily identify and isolate the problem imediatly, by disabling one of the 2 extensions conflicting.
Unpack and upload the content from 'Framework Files' directory into the root of your Magento installation.
Note: If you're running Magento 2.3.0 - 2.3.2, please also copy the content from the Patches folder, making sure you select the Overwrite option when prompted.
In your browser go to and simply follow the installation steps from the graphical interface, presented in your browser. See the installation video .
You can choose what extensions to be installed from the framework pack. If you are not sure, you can install all of them and check them out, and later remove what you don't use.
Note: Some Magento servers/versions have their index in the pub folder, as opposed to the root. If this is the case on your instance, you'll need to move the stack-framework-installation folder into the pub directory or you won't be able to access it. This will generally manifest on the frontend via a 404 message.
Woohoo! Stack Framework is installed and your store should already be looking awesome!
Note: In order to prevent unauthorised access to your installation GUI, we advise removing or renaming the folder 'stack-framework-installation' from the root of your Magento installation once the installation is completed or submitting automatic removal in Step 3 at the end of the GUI installation.
If you experienced any issues or limitations with this quick GUI installation, see also Stack Framework - Advanced SSH Installation. SSH installation does the same thing but you are required to issue the commands step by step via CLI. Some servers may have high security configurations and may limit the functionality of this GUI Installer.
Unpack and upload the content from 'Framework Files' directory into the root of your Magento installation.
Note: If you're running Magento 2.3.0 - 2.3.2, please also copy the content from the Patches folder, making sure you select the Overwrite option when prompted.
Connect via SSH connection to your server and run the following commands under location '':
If you encounter any conectivity or permissions problems your hosting provider should help providing all necessary details.
Depending on your hosting provider, for some servers command 'php bin/magento' does not work, you may want to replace it with '/usr/local/php56/bin/php-cli bin/magento' or '/usr/local/php70/bin/php-cli bin/magento' . Example: '/usr/local/php70/bin/php-cli bin/magento deploy:mode:set developer'
# a. make sure Developer Mode is enabled for your store php bin/magento deploy:mode:set developer #b1. You can enable all the extensions with the following command php bin/magento module:enable WeltPixel_Backend WeltPixel_FrameworkPro WeltPixel_NavigationLinks WeltPixel_ProductPage
WeltPixel_OwlCarouselSlider WeltPixel_LazyLoading WeltPixel_Command WeltPixel_Quickview WeltPixel_GoogleCards WeltPixel_TitleRewrite
WeltPixel_SmartProductTabs WeltPixel_MobileDetect WeltPixel_InstagramWidget WeltPixel_FullPageScroll WeltPixel_GoogleTagManager
WeltPixel_Sitemap WeltPixel_QuickCart WeltPixel_ReviewsWidget WeltPixel_Multistore WeltPixel_ThankYouPage WeltPixel_AjaxInfiniteScroll
WeltPixel_SearchAutoComplete WeltPixel_ProductLabels WeltPixel_LayeredNavigation WeltPixel_Newsletter WeltPixel_AdvanceCategorySorting
WeltPixel_CmsBlockScheduler WeltPixel_EnhancedEmail WeltPixel_RecentlyViewedBar WeltPixel_SocialLogin WeltPixel_AdvancedWishlist
WeltPixel_UserProfile WeltPixel_SpeedOptimization WeltPixel_GA4 --clear-static-content # b2. enable Stack Framework Core modules (start with Weltpixel_Backend) php bin/magento module:enable WeltPixel_Backend --clear-static-content php bin/magento module:enable WeltPixel_FrameworkPro --clear-static-content (use WeltPixel_FrameworkEssential for Essential pack) #b3. enable WeltPixel extensions included in Stack Framework (you can only enable what you need, and disable the rest) php bin/magento module:enable WeltPixel_Quickview --clear-static-content php bin/magento module:enable WeltPixel_GoogleCards --clear-static-content php bin/magento module:enable WeltPixel_OwlCarouselSlider --clear-static-content php bin/magento module:enable WeltPixel_LazyLoading --clear-static-content php bin/magento module:enable WeltPixel_TitleRewrite --clear-static-content php bin/magento module:enable WeltPixel_SmartProductTabs --clear-static-content php bin/magento module:enable WeltPixel_MobileDetect --clear-static-content php bin/magento module:enable WeltPixel_InstagramWidget --clear-static-content php bin/magento module:enable WeltPixel_FullPageScroll --clear-static-content php bin/magento module:enable WeltPixel_GoogleTagManager --clear-static-content php bin/magento module:enable WeltPixel_Sitemap --clear-static-content php bin/magento module:enable WeltPixel_QuickCart --clear-static-content php bin/magento module:enable WeltPixel_ReviewsWidget --clear-static-content php bin/magento module:enable WeltPixel_Multistore --clear-static-content php bin/magento module:enable WeltPixel_ThankYouPage --clear-static-content php bin/magento module:enable WeltPixel_AjaxInfiniteScroll --clear-static-content php bin/magento module:enable WeltPixel_SearchAutoComplete --clear-static-content php bin/magento module:enable WeltPixel_ProductLabels --clear-static-content php bin/magento module:enable WeltPixel_LayeredNavigation --clear-static-content php bin/magento module:enable WeltPixel_Newsletter --clear-static-content php bin/magento module:enable WeltPixel_AdvanceCategorySorting --clear-static-content php bin/magento module:enable WeltPixel_AdvancedWishlist --clear-static-content php bin/magento module:enable WeSupply_Toolbox --clear-static-content php bin/magento module:enable WeltPixel_CmsBlockScheduler --clear-static-content php bin/magento module:enable WeltPixel_EnhancedEmail --clear-static-content php bin/magento module:enable WeltPixel_RecentlyViewedBar --clear-static-content php bin/magento module:enable WeltPixel_UserProfile --clear-static-content php bin/magento module:enable WeltPixel_GA4 --clear-static-content # c. clear cache php bin/magento cache:flush # d. run magento upgrade scripts php bin/magento setup:upgrade # e. generate static content rm -rf generated/* var/cache/* var/page_cache/* php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
Woohoo! Stack Framework is installed and your store should be already looking awesome!
Copy the app folder from the Framework Files (Magento Commerce) folder into the root of the locally cloned Magento Cloud project.
Stack Framework code is now ready to be committed to GitHub and deployed on your Cloud environment. Commit the code to your Commerce Cloud repository. The environment should automatically deploy the code to the magento installation corresponding to the git repository where the code was committed.
Woohoo! The Stack Framework is installed and your store should be already looking awesome!
! Important : Before any upgrade it is recommended to backup of your Code and Database.
How to update Stack Framework to latest version.
We are constantly releasing product updates containing fixes, new features and compatibility adjustments with latest Magento releases. You can check Stack Framework - Change Log for more details.
Upgrade all extensions at once not selectively.
Make sure to upgrade all included extensions to the latest version, as often when compatibility adjustments are implemented it is necessary to make changes in more than one extension to fix a reported problem. The extensions should be treated as a package and updated at the same version all the time in order to avoid compatibility issues.
Go to your account on and download the latest Stack Framework Pack from Downlodable Products section of your account.
Disable Magento Cache from System -> Cache Management -> Select All and hit disable and refresh all caches. Note: This step is required even if cache is disabled.
During framework upgrade process, existing sample pages, blocks, sliders will not be overwritten but only add new sample elements included in the latest release.
Replace Stack Framework files with the new ones you just downloaded. It's important to replace the files and not overwrite them. Some parts of the framework may be refactored and some of the files are not needed anymore and could generate errors.
! Note on framework files: Make sure to use framework files corresponding to your Magento version. Because of significant Magento core code changes in M2.3, we are using separate code for Magento 2.0 - 2.2.x / Magento 2.3.x in order to provide best code performance.
What files to remove before the upgrade: '/html/app/code/WeltPixel/*' and '/html/app/code/WeSupply/*'
Unpack and upload the content from the 'Framework Files' directory into the root of your Magento installation. Make sure you use the directory specific to your Magento version, as there are two sets of files: one for Magento 2.0.x - 2.2.x and one for Magento 2.3.x. This is very important, as the files are different and using the wrong set can lead to installation and functionality issues.
In your browser go to and simply follow the installation steps from the graphical interface, presented in your browser URL.
Woohoo! You updated Stack Framework to latest version!
You can translate a WeltPixel module that is part of the Stack Framework by following next steps:
Magento modules developed by WeltPixel are compatible with both OPEN SOURCE and COMMERCE and used by thousands of merchants. Extensions were developed, crafted, and tested with the utmost care. Make sure to check them all and discover the great value these extensions can bring to your online business. Modularity allows you to only enable functionality specific for each project, keeping the project light and fast. Click the links for the documentation.
#1 Licensing the product.
For more details on product licensing follow this detailed article on our support center: License key for local / staging / development environment. Multi-store licensing.
#2 Stack Framework - GUI Installation issues? Try SSH Installation.
If you experienced any issues or limitations with the browser quick GUI installation, see also Stack Framework - Advanced SSH Installation. SSH installation does the same thing as GUI but you are required to issue the commands step by step via Command Line Interface (CLI). Some servers may have high security configurations and may limit the functionality of GUI (browser) Installer.
#3 How to customize css / xml / phtml / js files in Magento 2 - examples [ Tutorial ].
For more details on customizations follow this detailed article on our support center. Just ignore the chapters that refeer to Pearl Theme and check XML / PHTML / JS customization examples. How to customize css / xml / phtml / js files in Magento 2 - examples [ Tutorial ]
# More helpful resources on our Support Knowledge Base and Community Center.
We encourage you to visit our: Support Knowledge Base as it is constantly updated. Here you can find answers on different topics or you can engage and consult with WeltPixel Community users already using our products.
What’s new in v.1.14.13 - February 17, 2025
What’s new in v.1.14.11 - January 15, 2025
What’s new in v.1.10.17 - October 22, 2021
What’s new in v.1.10.15 - August 31, 2021
What’s new in v.1.10.11 - July 7, 2021
What’s new in v.1.10.9 - May 18, 2021