Product Updates and New Releases - August 2024

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Product Updates and New Releases - August 2024

1. Pearl Theme for Magento 2 

What’s new in v.1.14.3 - June 20, 2024

New Features:

  • Introduced compatibility with the latest Magento 2.4.7-p2, 2.4.6-p7, 2.4.5-p9 and 2.4.4-p10 versions, which come with critical security adjustments for the platform. Magento 2 merchants are urged to upgrade to the latest patches ASAP.
  • CMS Product Reviews Widget - The module now comes with a dedicated Magento Admin page, which displays information about the current version, latest version, as well as allows for submitting new feature requests.
  • Layered Navigation - Introduced compatibility with Elastic Search 8. The extension was previously not compatible (or required to be) as Magento no longer comes bundled with Elastic Search. Compatibility was added for users who manually install Elastic Search 8 via composer.
  • SEO Page Title Overwrite - The module now comes with a dedicated Magento Admin page, which displays information about the current version, latest version, as well as allows for submitting new feature requests.
  • Smart Product Tabs - Added a new Tab Label functionality, which allows you to add fully-customizable labels to your Custom Product Page Tabs. You can choose a custom text on the label, or select an attribute from which to pull and display the value on the frontend.


Fixes and Improvements:

  • Frontend Options - Fixed a minor typo in the extension's storeview_template.less file.
  • Various modules (Google Tag Manager, Google Automated Discounts, Design Elements) - Tagged frontend and admin inline scripts with nonces to account for recent Magento CSP requirements. In most cases, CSP reports would not impact functionality, but a proactive approach was taken to ensure the module is future-proof.
  • Various modules (Lazy Loading, Owl Carousel & Banner Slider, Category Page) - Added a code optimization that aligns the extended ImageFactory.php file with the core Magento equivalent to prevent potential errors.
  • Design Elements - Fixed a bug that would result in the Product Page being broken when using the Advanced Back to Top Button functionality, caused by an improperly closed script.
  • Product Page - Fixed a bug that would result in the Add to Cart button being disabled when the default Magento "After Adding a Product Redirect to Shopping Cart" option was set to Yes.
  • Product Page - Fixed a bug that would sometimes prevent Grouped Products from being added to the cart, with a "Please specify the quantity of product(s)" warning on the frontend.
  • Product Page - Fixed a bug related to Grouped Product quantity validation for quantity increment changes. This bug was specific to Magento 2.4.7.
  • Product Page - Added minor CSS & layout adjustments on mobile for the +/- quantity input type.
  • Category Page - Added an optimization to the extension's code which aligns the module's extended ImageFactory.php file with the core Magento equivalent to prevent potential errors.
  • Advanced Wishlist - Fixed a small conflict with our Google Analytics 4 extension, which would prevent the Add to Wishlist event from triggering when the Ajax Wishlist & Share extension was enabled.
  • Ajax Search Autocomplete - Fixed an error related to PHP 8 that would be thrown in certain cases when initiating a search on the frontend. The error would only show up in the Magento logs, but no results would be shown on the frontend.
  • Google XML Sitemap - Fixed an error that would sometimes be thrown on Product and Category Pages when using the extension's Meta Tags functionality. This was later discovered to be caused by a conflict, but the adjustment remains as a way to ensure the particular error is bypassed for UX purposes.
  • Mega Menu - Fixed a frontend display issue that would occur on the Boxed and Sectioned display modes which would result in the navigation menu items being pushed out of position when inserting a Custom HTML block in the menu.

Useful article: : How to upgrade Pearl Theme to latest version - step by step guide


2. Google Analytics 4 (GA4) With GTM Support for Magento 2

What’s new in v.1.14.5 - July 22, 2024

  • New Feature: Overhauled the extension's Promotion Tracking functionality. The extension now allows you to send items alongside the View Promotion and Select Promotion events, either via HTML structure or via the dedicated GA4 Promo Link Widget.
  • New Feature: Adjusted the extension's Brand tracking capabilities to allow for using text-type attributes as well. Previously, this was not the case and text-type attributes could not be used for this purpose.
  • Fixed a bug specific to multi Store View environments that would result in orders created in the Magento Admin being sent to the Default Store View regardless under which Store View they were created.
  • Fixed a Measurement Protocol tracking bug that would sometimes result in Purchases being sent to Google Analytics twice. This serves to ensure order values are not duplicated in Google Analytics.
  • Adjusted script initialization order to ensure the Google Tag Manager script is initialized before the dataLayer, potentially improving tracking accuracy, in some cases.
  • Adjusted the dataLayer for Google Ads Enhanced Conversions to ensure the Country Code is sent via the User Provided Data variable instead of the Country Name.
  • Fixed an issue whereby the "Exclude orders with 0 value" option would not work when tracking purchases via the Measurement Protocol.
  • Added various improvements and optimizations to better align with Magento Security Best Practices.
  • Added minor Magento Admin adjustments for increased clarity.
  • Code cleanup - removed deprecated PHP methods.

3. OWL Carousel and Slider

What’s new in v.1.14.5 - August 23, 2024

  • Compatibility: Introduced compatibility with the latest Magento 2.4.7-p2, 2.4.6-p7, 2.4.5-p9 and 2.4.4-p10 versions, which come with critical security adjustments for the platform. Magento 2 merchants are urged to upgrade to the latest patches ASAP.

4. Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce UA GTM Tracking

What’s new in v.1.14.5 - August 23, 2024

  • Compatibility: Introduced compatibility with the latest Magento 2.4.7-p2, 2.4.6-p7, 2.4.5-p9 and 2.4.4-p10 versions, which come with critical security adjustments for the platform. Magento 2 merchants are urged to upgrade to the latest patches ASAP.
  • Tagged extension's frontend and admin inline scripts with nonces to account for recent Magento CSP requirements. In most cases, CSP reports would not impact functionality, but a proactive approach was taken to ensure the module is future-proof.

5. Quick View & Ajax Cart

What’s new in v.1.14.5 - August 23, 2024

  • Compatibility: Introduced compatibility with the latest Magento 2.4.7-p2, 2.4.6-p7, 2.4.5-p9 and 2.4.4-p10 versions, which come with critical security adjustments for the platform. Magento 2 merchants are urged to upgrade to the latest patches ASAP.

6. Rich Snippets (both free and PRO version)

What’s new in v.1.14.5 - August 23, 2024

  • Compatibility: Introduced compatibility with the latest Magento 2.4.7-p2, 2.4.6-p7, 2.4.5-p9 and 2.4.4-p10 versions, which come with critical security adjustments for the platform. Magento 2 merchants are urged to upgrade to the latest patches ASAP.

7. Mega Menu

What’s new in v.1.14.5 - August 23, 2024

  • Compatibility: Introduced compatibility with the latest Magento 2.4.7-p2, 2.4.6-p7, 2.4.5-p9 and 2.4.4-p10 versions, which come with critical security adjustments for the platform. Magento 2 merchants are urged to upgrade to the latest patches ASAP.
  • Fixed a frontend display issue that would occur on the Boxed and Sectioned display modes which would result in the navigation menu items being pushed out of position when inserting a Custom HTML block in the menu.

8. Full Page Scroll

What’s new in v.1.14.5 -August 23, 2024

  • Compatibility: Introduced compatibility with the latest Magento 2.4.7-p2, 2.4.6-p7, 2.4.5-p9 and 2.4.4-p10 versions, which come with critical security adjustments for the platform. Magento 2 merchants are urged to upgrade to the latest patches ASAP.

9. Instagram Widget Advanced

What’s new in v.1.14.5 - August 23, 2024

  • Compatibility: Introduced compatibility with the latest Magento 2.4.7-p2, 2.4.6-p7, 2.4.5-p9 and 2.4.4-p10 versions, which come with critical security adjustments for the platform. Magento 2 merchants are urged to upgrade to the latest patches ASAP.

10. Lazy Loading Enhanced

What’s new in v.1.14.5 - August 23, 2024

  • Compatibility: Introduced compatibility with the latest Magento 2.4.7-p2, 2.4.6-p7, 2.4.5-p9 and 2.4.4-p10 versions, which come with critical security adjustments for the platform. Magento 2 merchants are urged to upgrade to the latest patches ASAP.
  • Added an optimization to the extension's code which aligns the module's extended ImageFactory.php file with the core Magento equivalent to prevent potential errors.

11. CMS Product Reviews Widget

What’s new in v.1.14.5 - August 23, 2024

  • Compatibility: Introduced compatibility with the latest Magento 2.4.7-p2, 2.4.6-p7, 2.4.5-p9 and 2.4.4-p10 versions, which come with critical security adjustments for the platform. Magento 2 merchants are urged to upgrade to the latest patches ASAP.
  • New Feature: The module now comes with a dedicated Magento Admin page, which displays information about the current version, latest version, as well as allows for submitting new feature requests.

12. Smart Product Tabs

What’s new in v.1.14.5 - August 23, 2024

  • New Feature: Added a new Tab Label functionality, which allows you to add fully-customizable labels to your Custom Product Page Tabs. You can choose a custom text on the label, or select an attribute from which to pull and display the value on the frontend.
  • Compatibility: Introduced compatibility with the latest Magento 2.4.7-p2, 2.4.6-p7, 2.4.5-p9 and 2.4.4-p10 versions, which come with critical security adjustments for the platform. Magento 2 merchants are urged to upgrade to the latest patches ASAP.

13. SEO Page Title Overwrite

What’s new in v.1.14.5 - August 23, 2024

  • Compatibility: Introduced compatibility with the latest Magento 2.4.7-p2, 2.4.6-p7, 2.4.5-p9 and 2.4.4-p10 versions, which come with critical security adjustments for the platform. Magento 2 merchants are urged to upgrade to the latest patches ASAP.
  • New Feature: Added a new section in the Magento Admin that checks to make sure the latest product version is installed and notifies in case an update is available, as well as a button that allows for new features to be requested.

14. Maxmind Fraud Prevention

What’s new in v.1.14.3 - June 20, 2024

  • Compatibility: Introduced compatibility with the latest Magento 2.4.7-p1, 2.4.6-p6, 2.4.5-p8, 2.4.4-p9 versions, which come with critical security adjustments for the platform. Magento 2 merchants are urged to upgrade to the latest patches ASAP.
  • New Feature: The module now comes with a dedicated Magento Admin page, which displays information about the current version, latest version, as well as allows for submitting new feature requests.

15. CMS Block Scheduler

What’s new in v.1.14.5 - August 23, 2024

  • Compatibility: Introduced compatibility with the latest Magento 2.4.7-p2, 2.4.6-p7, 2.4.5-p9 and 2.4.4-p10 versions, which come with critical security adjustments for the platform. Magento 2 merchants are urged to upgrade to the latest patches ASAP.

16. Enhanced Quick Cart

What’s new in v.1.14.5 - August 23, 2024

  • Compatibility: Introduced compatibility with the latest Magento 2.4.7-p2, 2.4.6-p7, 2.4.5-p9 and 2.4.4-p10 versions, which come with critical security adjustments for the platform. Magento 2 merchants are urged to upgrade to the latest patches ASAP.

17. Google XML Sitemap

What’s new in v.1.14.5 - August 23, 2024

  • Compatibility: Introduced compatibility with the latest Magento 2.4.7-p2, 2.4.6-p7, 2.4.5-p9 and 2.4.4-p10 versions, which come with critical security adjustments for the platform. Magento 2 merchants are urged to upgrade to the latest patches ASAP.
  • Fixed an error that would sometimes be thrown on Product and Category Pages when using the extension's Meta Tags functionality. This was later discovered to be caused by a conflict, but the adjustment remains as a way to ensure the particular error is bypassed for UX purposes.

18. Enhanced Multi-Store Multi-Brand

What’s new in v.1.14.5 - August 23, 2024

  • Compatibility: Introduced compatibility with the latest Magento 2.4.7-p2, 2.4.6-p7, 2.4.5-p9 and 2.4.4-p10 versions, which come with critical security adjustments for the platform. Magento 2 merchants are urged to upgrade to the latest patches ASAP.

19. Custom Thank You Page

What’s hot in v.1.14.5 - August 23, 2024

  • Compatibility: Introduced compatibility with the latest Magento 2.4.7-p2, 2.4.6-p7, 2.4.5-p9 and 2.4.4-p10 versions, which come with critical security adjustments for the platform. Magento 2 merchants are urged to upgrade to the latest patches ASAP.

20. Ajax Catalog and Infinite Scroll

What’s new in v.1.14.5 - August 23, 2024

  • Compatibility: Introduced compatibility with the latest Magento 2.4.7-p2, 2.4.6-p7, 2.4.5-p9 and 2.4.4-p10 versions, which come with critical security adjustments for the platform. Magento 2 merchants are urged to upgrade to the latest patches ASAP.

21. Ajax Search Autocomplete

What’s new in v.1.14.5 - August 23, 2024

  • Compatibility: Introduced compatibility with the latest Magento 2.4.7-p2, 2.4.6-p7, 2.4.5-p9 and 2.4.4-p10 versions, which come with critical security adjustments for the platform. Magento 2 merchants are urged to upgrade to the latest patches ASAP.
  • Fixed an error related to PHP 8 that would be thrown in certain cases when initiating a search on the frontend. The error would only show up in the Magento logs, but no results would be shown on the frontend.

22. Email Template Editor with Gmail Markup Support.

What’s new in v.1.14.5 - August 23, 2024

  • Compatibility: Introduced compatibility with the latest Magento 2.4.7-p2, 2.4.6-p7, 2.4.5-p9 and 2.4.4-p10 versions, which come with critical security adjustments for the platform. Magento 2 merchants are urged to upgrade to the latest patches ASAP.

23. Layered Navigation

What’s new in v.1.14.5 - August 23, 2024

  • Compatibility: Introduced compatibility with Elastic Search 8. The extension was previously not compatible (or required to be) as Magento no longer comes bundled with Elastic Search. Compatibility was added for users who manually install Elastic Search 8 via composer.
  • Compatibility: Introduced compatibility with the latest Magento 2.4.7-p2, 2.4.6-p7, 2.4.5-p9 and 2.4.4-p10 versions, which come with critical security adjustments for the platform. Magento 2 merchants are urged to upgrade to the latest patches ASAP.

24. Enhanced Newsletter Popup - FREE

What’s new in v.1.14.5 - August 23, 2024

  • Compatibility: Introduced compatibility with the latest Magento 2.4.7-p2, 2.4.6-p7, 2.4.5-p9 and 2.4.4-p10 versions, which come with critical security adjustments for the platform. Magento 2 merchants are urged to upgrade to the latest patches ASAP.

25. Advance Category Sorting

What’s new in v.1.14.5 - August 23, 2024

  • Compatibility: Introduced compatibility with the latest Magento 2.4.7-p2, 2.4.6-p7, 2.4.5-p9 and 2.4.4-p10 versions, which come with critical security adjustments for the platform. Magento 2 merchants are urged to upgrade to the latest patches ASAP.

26. Product Labels - New, Sale, Discount

What’s new in v.1.4.5 - August 23, 2024

  • Compatibility: Introduced compatibility with the latest Magento 2.4.7-p2, 2.4.6-p7, 2.4.5-p9 and 2.4.4-p10 versions, which come with critical security adjustments for the platform. Magento 2 merchants are urged to upgrade to the latest patches ASAP.

27. Recently Viewed Products Bar

What’s new in v.1.14.5 - August 23, 2024

  • Compatibility: Introduced compatibility with the latest Magento 2.4.7-p2, 2.4.6-p7, 2.4.5-p9 and 2.4.4-p10 versions, which come with critical security adjustments for the platform. Magento 2 merchants are urged to upgrade to the latest patches ASAP.

28. Social Login

What’s new in v.1.14.5 - August 23, 2024

  • Compatibility: Introduced compatibility with the latest Magento 2.4.7-p2, 2.4.6-p7, 2.4.5-p9 and 2.4.4-p10 versions, which come with critical security adjustments for the platform. Magento 2 merchants are urged to upgrade to the latest patches ASAP.

29. Advanced Wishlist and Share

What’s new in v.1.14.5 - August 23, 2024

  • Compatibility: Introduced compatibility with the latest Magento 2.4.7-p2, 2.4.6-p7, 2.4.5-p9 and 2.4.4-p10 versions, which come with critical security adjustments for the platform. Magento 2 merchants are urged to upgrade to the latest patches ASAP.

30. User Profile

What’s new in v.1.14.5 - August 23, 2024

  • Compatibility: Introduced compatibility with the latest Magento 2.4.7-p2, 2.4.6-p7, 2.4.5-p9 and 2.4.4-p10 versions, which come with critical security adjustments for the platform. Magento 2 merchants are urged to upgrade to the latest patches ASAP.

31. Speed Optmization

What’s new in v.1.14.5 - August 23, 2024

  • Compatibility: Introduced compatibility with the latest Magento 2.4.7-p2, 2.4.6-p7, 2.4.5-p9 and 2.4.4-p10 versions, which come with critical security adjustments for the platform. Magento 2 merchants are urged to upgrade to the latest patches ASAP.

32. Google Automated Discounts

What’s new in v.1.14.5 - August 23, 2024

  • Compatibility: Introduced compatibility with the latest Magento 2.4.7-p2, 2.4.6-p7, 2.4.5-p9 and 2.4.4-p10 versions, which come with critical security adjustments for the platform. Magento 2 merchants are urged to upgrade to the latest patches ASAP.
  • Tagged extension's frontend and admin inline scripts with nonces to account for recent Magento CSP requirements. In most cases, CSP reports would not impact functionality, but a proactive approach was taken to ensure the module is future-proof.

33. Google Consent Mode v2

What’s new in v.1.14.5 - August 23, 2024

  • Compatibility: Introduced compatibility with the latest Magento 2.4.7-p2, 2.4.6-p7, 2.4.5-p9 and 2.4.4-p10 versions, which come with critical security adjustments for the platform. Magento 2 merchants are urged to upgrade to the latest patches ASAP.